- Krystalografická společnost
Regionální komitét českých a slovenských krystalografů
Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV ČR
Inhibition of Serine and Aspartic Proteases
- Čas:
- pondělí
25. 11. 2002, začátek ve 13.00
- Místo:
- Ústav makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, posluchárna B
- Doprava:
- Konečná tramvají 1, 2, 18 na Petřinách.
- Topics:
X-ray diffraction, molecular modeling and dynamic studies of enzymatic reactions, inhibition of HIV protease, drug design, theoretical analysis of enzymatic reactions, protein crystallography
- 13.00-13.30
- Jindřich Hašek (Inst.of Macromolecular Chemistry, Acad.Sci.,
Praha, CZ)
Complex Study of HIV proteases
- 13.30-14.00
- Mariusz Jaskolski (Poznan, PL)
Atomic Resolution Structures of Trypsin Inhibitors
- 14.00-14.30
- Grzegorz Bujacz, Natasza Ziolkowska (Technical University, Lodz, PL)
Structural investigation of HIV-1 protease inhibitors
- Jiri Brynda (Inst.of Molecular Genetics, Acad.Sci., Praha, CZ)
High Resolution Structure of HIV1 Protease – Inhibitor Komplex
- 15.00-15.30 Break
- 15.30-15.50
- Tereza Skalova (Inst.of Macromolecular Chemistry, Acad.Sci., Praha, CZ)
Structural and Energy Comparison of Ethyleneamine Inhibitor Binding
to the Wild and Mutant HIV Proteases
- 15.50-16.10
- Karel Zimmermann (INRA Paris)
Soft Block Constraints in Energy Minimization – HIV protease experiments
- 16.10-16.30
- Eva Buchtelova (Inst.of Macromolecular Chemistry, Acad.Sci.,Praha, CZ)
Product of Autoproteolytic Cleavage Found in the Active Site of HIV Protease by X-ray Crystallography
- 16.30-16.50
- Jiří Dybal, Karel Huml, Martin Kabeláč, Tomáš
Reschel, Karel Ulbrich (Inst.of Macromolecular Chemistry, Inst.Phys.Chem., Acad.Sci.,Praha, CZ)
Computer Model of DNA B - poly(L-lysine) Interaction
- 16.50-17.00
- Discussion
There is no fee and no preliminary registration is required. However, if you like to be informed about the program changes or to receive written materials or have your own contribution to the seminar, please send a short message to address
Abstracts or written records of lectures are welcomed. Contributions under 500 words will be considered as abstracts and published as they are. Longer contributions will pass standards reviewing procedure in the journal.
Abstracts of lectures will be published in 2003 in the journal Materials Structure, ISSN 1211-5894, Vol.10, no.1, 2003.