Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association
Faculty of Natural Sciences Palacky University Olomouc
Group of Solid State Chemistry and Physics
Czech and Slovak Regional Committee of IUCr
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Praha
organize colloquium
Methods of Structural Studies of Solids
Application in chemistry, biology, physics and technology
Stare Hamry, June 24 - 28, 1996
Hotel Pokrok, 739 15 Bila (Beskydy)
Organizing Committee :
RNDr. Dagmar Krausova, CSc.
Katedra anorganicke a fyzikalni chemie
PrF UP Olomouc
Krizkovskeho 10
771 47 Olomouc
Fax : 068 - 52 25 737
Tel. : 068 - 55 08 257 (255)
E-mail :
J. Kamenicek, D. Hlavata, Z. Travnicek
Programme Committee :
RNDr. Jindrich Hasek, DrSc.
Ustav makromolekularni chemie AV ČR
Heyrovskeho nam. 2
162 06 Praha 6
E-mail :
R. Kuzel (collected abstracts)
E-mail :
A. Buchal, J. Fiala
Conference fee :
Conference fee is 820, - Kc for CSCA members
and 960, - Kc for others
Fee for hotel (including meals) is 270, -Kč per person and day.
Day is calculated from lunch to breakfast next day.
Corresponding fees should be sent by bank transfer before May 10
to the bank account at Pragobanka in Olomouc, ul. Křížkovského,
772 00 (account no. 303-810/1600, var. symb. 31705002)
Please, contact the chairman of organizing committee, if you need more specific information.
There are buses from Žilina, bus Brno - Ostrava (via Velké Karlovice, Bílou a Staré Hamry).
More buses go from Ostrava. More complicated connection is from Prague.
Contact R. Kuzel at
E-mail :
Czech, Slovak, English
Last page modification : April 10, 1996