Instructions for Abstract Preparation

Abstracts of all contributions (plenary lectures, oral contributions, posters) will be published in a special issue of the journal "Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology" published by the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association and will be available at the conference. The abstracts will be available in Internet (HTML pages).

Participants are cordially invited to submit abstracts on any topic related to diffraction on polycrystalline materials. The abstracts of unregistered authors will not be published. 

The form of abstracts is relatively free. They should be 1 - 2 pages long in maximum including figures and should have the following structure :

  1. Title 
  2. Authors names 
  3. Addresses of all authors. In case of more addresses, numbers as upper indices should be used in order to distinguish corresponding authors
  4. Text
  5. References

It is preferred that the authors do not include much formatting except they want to emphasize certain words!
In that case italics is preferred.
Text can be divided into short sections if necessary. Please, avoid large tables.

Abstract must be delivered in one of the following forms

In all cases, the Abstract form must be filled in properly and delivered following the registration form (or preliminary registration form).

Different formats as MS Word, Word Perfect, ASCII and HTML are accepted. RTF format is preferred. The figures should be inserted in the text. If they are send separately, they should be zipped together with the text. The final width of the figures will be 8 cm (only exceptionally 16 cm). The references should be indicated by numbers in brackets and the list of references given accordingly at the end of contribution (without brackets). 

All authors are kindly asked to check their abstracts at EPDIC-9 Web pages and refer about any problems by E-mail to the conference secretariat.

Sample of contribution in RTF (the text is mixed from several sources just to show typical components of the abstract).

Sample of output from Materials Structure (PDF)

Another sample of output from Materials Structure (PDF)